
Become a Host School
Student Excange is a unique program that combines the academic rigors of an American high school with the cultural experience of living with an American family. SE’s host families participate in this amazing opportunity to help create a sense of family, rather than a landlord/tenant relationship. Feeling like part of the family helps students bond with the family, school, and community. Cultural exchange is beneficial for international students and a great opportunity for American students to learn about their global community.
We pride ourselves on the support given to our students and schools.
We have a team of Local Coordinators to work with schools and students to resolve any issues that may occur.
Our Student Services department is ready to assist when needed.
SE has a 24-hour emergency hotline to assist schools, students, host families, and the SE field staff.
Benefits of having SE students at your school:
Teaches students about global diversity, which will give them a leg up in their future.
Brings extra income to the school; F1 students pay tuition to the school that issues their visa.
SE Student Eligibility Requirements:
Age 13-18 on arrival
GPA 2.0 minimum (C average) with no failing grades
ELTis 217+, IELTS 5.0+, TOEFL IBT 64+, SLEP 48+
Intermediate English ability
Current student in grade 6-12